I can feel at home when I am not in my apartment. When I am in my apartment, I can miss home. Often times, home feels like my mom's house, but not always - not the lonely times, but the times when all 4 of us (my mom, dad, brother and I) were together, not fighting, just enjoying each other's company. In that sense, home feels like Calgary (where my mom and brother live), or Alberta generally . . .or, more often than anything else, home feels like the Canadian Rockies. I love the wide-open feeling, endless sky and varied landscape.
Home feels natural.
Even though I live in Vancouver, I've never felt at home here. I am surrounded by nature, but still, something is missing. Is it my family, the fact that I moved here, primarily to go to University again and it has been very stressful, or the lack of comfort?
Home can be a cozy nook, a cool day spent under a comforter. . .
My best friend always makes me feel at home. Whenever he and I are together, I feel comfort.
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The next blog in my group is brownhairblueribbon, who will be continuing with this theme, posting about what home means to her, on Monday (June 7)! Thank you sfgirlbybay and Pinterest for putting together this fun project! I hope that you've all had a chance to check out my fellow 'pinners' who have posted before me, on this list. There are still about 200 more blogs and bloggers' work to check out in the coming weeks! I don't know about you, but I've discovered so many great blogs to add to my 'follow' list through Pin it Forward.
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