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Media Kit

  Being Tazim 
Pursuing Creative Personas
  Media Kit  
Social Media Footprint 
Ad Formats/Pricing 
Ad Policy 
Review/Giveaway Policy 

Summary: Primarily focused on creative pursuits, Being Tazim is a space to explore the inter-relatedness of what are often hidden interests. 

Benefits to Companies and Advertisers:  
  • An avid user of social media, I promote vigorously on a variety of platforms and within many communities
  • I seek out bloggers and businesses who have similar as well as varied interests for mutual support.

Focus: Pursuing Creative Personas

Content: All posts are aesthetically pleasing, with good pictures. Posts are generally related to design, home decor, art, historical fashion, travel and other similar creative areas.


Audience Metrics:  
Please email me for current numbers

 Age: 23 to 45
Marital Status:
Married, Single, in Relationship Children: 0-4 Educational Background:  Some amount of college/university - several degrees 

Employment: SAHM, self-employed or full-time work
Resident of : USA, Canada, Australia - these are the top 3 countries where my visitors are from. 

Social Media Footprint 
Twitter: I use Twitter to relay information about my blog updates, sponsors, and to create a community by responding to readers’ tweets.
Facebook: I use facebook to interact with other bloggers, companies, and followers to Being Tazim. There is a networked blog on Facebook.
Ad Formats/Pricing 
$5 per month for first month
-125x125 space available but if you want other sizes (728x90, 300x250, 160x600 and 180x150), I can tell you the rates, if you email me. Additional monthly ad fee $10 and includes store/business feature and weekly tweet.

Made via Paypal

Ad Policy 

I reserve the right to refuse any ad based on content of the ad or the product or site being promoted. 
 All ads must reflect the values of Being Tazim.  
 No refunds on ads. 

Review/Giveaway Policy 

I would love to review your product or feature a giveaway for your company or store. The item(s) must adhere to Being Tazim’s ideals so as to most benefit readers and so that a positive review can best be achieved. 

Product reviews will only be done when product is provided. 
I would prefer to have a giveaway for my readers for the item being reviewed, but this is not mandatory. Item will be shipped directly to winner from store/company.
Samples of products will not be returned. 

Products that I would be especially keen on reviewing:
-home decor/home products
-kitchen/cooking products
-art supplies
-handmade goods such as jewelry or wearables

Giveaway items must be valued at $15 minimum, unless product review is also being conducted. As an alternative, you can purchase an ad on my blog in exchange for running a giveaway.