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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Being Cultured: Best of the Week

This was the last week of classes for the regular semester! I still have some papers and finals in my future, but the end is in sight!

Best I've seen: Apart from watching quite a lot of The Amazing Race seasons of past, I also watched the last episode of Ugly Betty, which I wrote about here: an Ode to Ugly Betty. I also watched a few episodes of Stargate Universe and will probably watch the rest of the season this week. I also really loved watching episode 2 of the new Doctor Who season!

from BBC.

Best I've heard: I got a chance to really listen to the Soap and Skin album "Lovetune for Vacuum." I really like it, as it makes me want to watch period dramas and look at costume sites all day (and wouldn't that be a fun way to spend my time, rather than working on my Art History paper?) - and sort of reminds me of Philip Glass a la The Hours.