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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

30 Days Giveaway - Tiny Tabs Ribbon Blanket Day 8

Giveaway 8 - Tiny Tabs Ribbon Blanket from: Staci at Just Sew Sassy

June 8th is Staci's Birthday!! 

I first got to know Staci from the Blog Frog, a great community where (mostly women) bloggers share their experiences, make connections and support each other. Just Sew Sassy is Staci's blog, which was "created for you to find unique, stylish products for babies, toddlers, and even the domestic diva." With a husband and three children, Staci still finds time to devote to her crafts, Tuesday tutorials, her blog, her Blog Frog community and her Etsy store!
Speaking of which,here are just a few things she has for sale:

I asked Staci a few questions:
1) How does your art practice fit in to your life?  
My husband works really late hours at home from his office each night, so in a weird way, we get to spend time together, doing our own thing, every night, and it works out!
2) Where does everything come together?
We're outgrowing our place pretty quickly, with 3 small children and a puppy, so I have a tiny little corner of my husband's office with a table, and drawers upon drawers of fabric and projects...
3) Do you have any specific goals for your Etsy site or art practice?  At this point, I'm still just taking it one day at a time.  I love the creating process, so as long as I'm constantly doing that, I'm happy!
4) What would be your super power if you could have one? 
 I would love to be able to go without sleep. There isn't enough time in the day for all I would like to be able to accomplish. Being able to work and play nonstop, that would be pretty cool:)
5) Recommend a good book and movie  
If you haven't read the Hunger Games yet, you're missing out!! 
6) Where do you live in the world? What do you like most about it?  We live in Saratoga Springs, Utah right by Utah Lake. It's very picturesque with the mountains and lake and trees all around us. We love the beauty and the great friends and neighbors that surround us.
