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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Milestone Birthdays - What do they Mean?

I tend to regret not doing things. Lately, I have tried to do more in my life and with my time, including celebrating more and more often. . .basically, in order to not let life pass by uneventfully. I don't do these things to please other people, but just for me. Because of this, and because I am trying to be less of a cynic and curmudgeon as I get older, I wanted to celebrate my upcoming 30th birthday this past month. I don't really think that anything will change when I turn 30 tomorrow, but I am interested in life-reflexion. I enjoy looking back and forward twice a year - New Year's Day and mid-year around my birthday. 

 My mom turned 65 this year, which, for those of you who care about 'milestones', is a big milestone. My mom was excited to be able to get senior discounts! :) 


She claimed that she didn't want to do anything for her birthday but I know that she was happy when I said that I was visiting her, flying over for a few days. I gathered a bunch of family members at my uncle's house and tried to throw a nice party. Due to lack of money and the fact that my family isn't into that sort of thing, it ended up being a family gathering with some good food. She told me later how much she loved it and appreciated it. Mostly, I know that I would have felt bad if I hadn't done anything. My brother's 30th birthday was 2 years ago and I couldn't make it out to Calgary. I feel really bad about it. I feel bad that I can't go to Calgary for my own 30th birthday - mostly because I always want to spend my birthday with my family, especially this year. It wouldn't need to be fancy, I would just love to see them (it has been about a year now) for a few days and maybe eat some of my mom's yummy food. . .
I should say that I don't do much of anything for Christmas or Halloween or any other holiday where one would normally feel obligated to celebrate in some way, and sometimes I regret that, too. Am I too boring? Maybe I am just too cheap. Halloween parties and costumes and all that costs money! There are always too many crowds on Canada Day (July 1st), so that is usually out as well. I definitely love to be travelling or at home the most. Tomorrow I will be in French class.
What is your opinion on milestone birthdays and birthdays generally?