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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Designing a Space that Inspires Creativity

Do you feel inspired to work creatively in the space you've set aside? Meg Mateo Ilasco's book Craft Inc.: Turning Your Creative Hobby Into a Business includes a great list of tips to keep your space inspired:

  • Make your space a reflection of yourself, whether that means being colorful or minimalist.
  • Maintain an inspiration board on wire and hang photographs, clippings, and swatches. Feel free to layer images over one another and to change images often to follow your whims and interests.

  • Surround yourself with things you find beautiful. If something bothers you, consider moving it to another area, out of sight. 
  • Have ample task lighting. Especially if you like working in dark, intimate spaces, enough task lighting will prevent you from straining your eyes. 
  • Take advantage of natural light, as it can often stimulate your energy.
  • Play music that energizes your creative spirit.
  • Have invigorating refreshments handy, like a cup of herbal tea.

  • Keep your space stocked with essentials, like pens, paper, yarn, or embroidery floss. You don't want to spend time looking for these items when you should be working.
  • If you like your space neat when you work, make sure it is clean before your designated craft hours behind. When your craft time is limited you don't want to spend it tidying up.
  • You need a table that accommodates your work. Use an actual table - the floor or bed does not count. For times when a worktable is not necessary, find a comfortable place to work.
  • Organize your work space for efficiency and you'll be more productive. Invest in goos storage shelves and organizers. 
Do you have any other tips for an inspired space for creativity? Do you have pictures of your creative space to send me? I'd love to hear from you!