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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A Hobby Business: 3 Reasons You Should Start One

I had the pleasure of being contacted by Cavyl Stewart to write a guest-post about turning your hobby in to a business. This post fits in perfectly today for one of the two Shop Talk Tuesday posts.

Why would a hobby business make the 
perfect home business?
Well, finding people who are interested in starting their own business isn't too hard. After all, who wouldn't like to make money being their own boss? However, one thing many would-be entrepreneurs seem to have in common is an inability to decide exactly what kind of business they should start. Many of them never consider that making a list of their hobbies is the perfect place to begin. Largely because many people can't imagine making money doing something they already enjoy.

However, there are many good reasons why you should consider starting a hobby business.

Why not make money doing something you enjoy?

For many people, the idea of a hobby business just doesnít compute. After all, there are people out there who never had a job they actually enjoyed. To them, work equals boring, and mind-numbing. Being able to make money while doing something they like seems like a pipe dream.

But there are thousands of people out there who will tell you it is possible. Who have successfully started their own hobby business, and who actually have fun while fattening their bank accounts. And, if they can do it, you can too.

Passion equals greater success.

Just about any business expert you talk to will tell you that you are much more likely to be successful starting your own business if you do something you actually care about.

If you base your hobby business around something you have loved doing for a while, or have always been interested in, chances are slim you will lose interest or become bored with your business. You will want to go to work because you have fun doing so. You will want to keep learning more and more about your niche, and not only because it will mean greater business success. If you love golf, you will want to learn more about golf, whether you have a golf-related hobby business or not.

Also, people tend to talk very passionately and sincerely about the hobbies they love. And that can go a long way toward attracting perspective customers and clients.

You call the shots. 

One of the best things about starting a hobby business is that you call the shots. You decide when your work hours will be. You decide how much time and effort you devote to your business. (Depending on how much money you want to make from it.) And you decide what direction your business will go in at any time.
Of course, that's the lure of any home business. But, with a hobby business, you will find yourself wanting to devote more time and energy to the enterprise. And the more time and effort you devote to your hobby business, the more success (and profit) you are likely to experience.

As you can see, there are all sorts of reasons why your hobby could make the perfect home business for you. If you are looking for a way to make money and have fun at the same time, starting a hobby business should definitely be at the top of your list.

Cavyl Stewart shows hobbyists how to turn their passion into a hobby business. For more tips, ideas and a free report, visit:

Photos above taken from  here.