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Sunday, August 8, 2010

Secret Safe Books Studio Feature

Kara from Secret Safe Books' niche product is a series of books with their insides cut-out so that valuables can be hidden within.

What I love about these books is that they are real. Kara is happy to accept custom orders if buyers want a specific book used or a particular shape cut-out from within the book. This customization ensures that the book looks perfectly natural in your home/office. This is important because you can use these Secret Safe Books to hold your passport, money, keys or other valuables. . .and the uniqueness of the book means that it won't easily stand out on a shelf.

Check out Kara in her studio:

Even if custom ordering isn't what you're after, I'm sure you'll find something that you'll like from the extensive collection of books in both the cult classics/pop culture and classics/keepsakes sections. Just take a look at some of the 'pre-made' books Kara has on offer:

You can look at these books and others in the Secret Safe Books site.

What book would you want to get custom fitted? What would you hide inside?