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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Being a Costumer: Bright Star

I recently watched this period movie about the love affair between British poet John Keats and Fanny Brawne. I was taken by the costuming above all else, but also thoroughly enjoyed the romantic drama and the acting.

Fanny is an accomplished seamstress as we can see by the wonderful outfits she creates. I like how certain aspects of the outfits appear several times in the movie, showing how one can combine different pieces to create new looks, as seen above. I often find that costumers in movies put together entirely new outfits for every scene, which seems a bit unrealistic given the amount of money, time and resources that would have gone into each item. 

The dress above looks like it may have been Gothic-ly influenced:

I love how Fanny wears really different and interesting outfits throughout the film, often boasting about how she is the only one at this or that party with a particular type of ruffled collar:
Here we see Fanny sewing some lace for her dress:

Here we see the typical outfit that Keats wore during the film. Fanny is wearing a Spencer jacket, typical for the Regency time period, but different from her usual/unique clothes in other parts of the movie. 

All photos are screencaps or from IMDB.