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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Being Vegan: Easter Treats!

The flowers were sent from G's parents, vegan dark chocolate, 
and some organic vanilla-infused sugar

Even though the weather is less-than-pleasant this long weekend, I managed to enjoy some small pleasures - like the treats above! As a vegan, I can't eat things that are around this time of year, like Cadbury's Creme Eggs or Peeps Marshmallows, but there are still plenty of non-dairy chocolate treats to enjoy. The vanilla infused sugar was a bit expensive, but seeing as it is organic and I won't be using it very often, I think it is a treat that will last a long time (unlike those flowers we were given)! We will have our dinner tomorrow (just the 2 of us). 

What is/has everyone else been doing/going to do?