Here are a few of my favourite items from Katrinshine's store:
Isn't that red Renaissance dress gorgeous?
1) How does your art practice fit into your life?
I have been an artist all my life and I have been loved to do something creative for me, my family or my friends. I finished Art School and this can say all for you. From my childhood I liked very much all kind of needle and craft work. I sewed dresses for my dolls or something for me and my family.
I inspired from all world around me, colours and textures. When I see some amazing fabric I at once have many ideas what I can create from it. I like to observe how my ideas put into life.
2) Where does everything come together?
I work at home. My studio placed in veranda, there is a lot of light, air and space. I still have a special wardrobe, because I work with fabric and need space to keep it.
3) Do you have any specific goals for your Etsy site or art practice?
I would love to open a real business, trade mark – not just working at home. And to be fabulously successful would be nice.
4) What would be your super power if you could have one?
Make all things bloom
5) Recommend a good book and movie
I have many favourite books, but one author I always like more then others Terry Pratchett. All his books I read many times. Movie… I recommend “Romeo and Juliet” by Franco Zeffirelli – I don’t saw better cinematic adaptation of the William Shakespeare. Also I like “Moscow does not believe in tears”. It’s old Soviet film and it won an Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film in 1980, year when i was born.
6) Where do you live in the world? What do you like most about it?
I'm from Russia but I’m living in Italy because my husband is Italian. From the last 2 years I’m living in Brindisi – small antique town in the south of Italy, region Puglia. It’s the region of vine and olive. There are has many very old traditions such as pizzica or tarantella salentina. I like to dance it on the feasts.