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Friday, August 6, 2010

Modes of Transportation - Favourite Things Project

How do you most like to get from point A to point B? 
This week's topic/theme is all about modes of transportation - what are your favourite?

I suppose it's no secret that I long to have a sailboat someday:
And, if you've been reading about my love of trains, like on this post, or this post,
this picture should come as no surprise: 
Grain Train by studioahimsa
Of course, I do love the occasional road-trip, but to say that cars are my favourite mode of transportation would be a huge stretch! I also LOVE walking most of all, but that just can't take you everywhere.

The project blogger of the week is Terese, who writes the blog Designed to a T. Terese suggested a few topics/themes for the project, which I have added to the list! Go over and check out and follow Terese's pretty-new blog! You can see all of her Favourite Things Project posts, including her newest one where she talks about her favourite people in her life and Audrey Hepburn!

If you have any suggestions for the project, do let me know. And, if you want to join in at any time, feel free to do so for any of the weeks. I post on Fridays, but you can do this at any time - just come back to this and other posts (all listed on this page) and link up your specific post!

So - What are your favourite modes of transportation?

Please leave a comment after you link  up so I know you've done so and can check out your blog!